

Frida Kahlo La casa azul



The most famous house in Mexico!… La casa Azul de Frida Kahlo

What secrets keep this house? Explore the neighborhood where Frida used to live, Coyoacán. How was it to live in this house full of color and traditions?  Do you know Frida’s art studio?… Let’s discover Frida’s house with art!

If you love Mexican traditional architecture, you are an art lover and your soul is almost Mexican this experience is for you!… We will use recycled cardboard, toilet tube, and more simple materials to build! A complete cardboard blue house!

Ask for dates sofiafoga@gmail.com


Frida Kahlo La casa azul



The most famous house in Mexico!… La casa Azul de Frida Kahlo

What secrets keep this house? Explore the neighborhood where Frida used to live, Coyoacán. How was it to live in this house full of color and traditions?  Do you know Frida’s art studio?… Let’s discover Frida’s house with art!

If you love Mexican traditional architecture, you are an art lover and your soul is almost Mexican this experience is for you!… We will use recycled cardboard, toilet tube, and more simple materials to build! A complete cardboard blue house!

Ask for dates sofiafoga@gmail.com


The most famous house in Mexico!… La casa Azul de Frida Kahlo

What secrets keep this house? Explore the neighborhood where Frida used to live, Coyoacán. How was it to live in this house full of color and traditions?  Do you know Frida’s art studio?… Let’s discover Frida’s house with art!

If you love Mexican traditional architecture, you are an art lover and your soul is almost Mexican this experience is for you!… We will use recycled cardboard, toilet tube, and more simple materials to build! A complete cardboard blue house!

Ask for dates sofiafoga@gmail.com